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Johns hopkins University

johns hopkins university

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is a private research university located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

_ It is also a branch of higher education. It was founded in 1876 and the university was named after the first benefactor, John Hopkins, a businessman of Quaker origins who believed in improving public health and education.

The first president of Johns Hopkins University was Daniel Coit Gilman.

The university aims to encourage research and the development of science for individuals who seek it and the community in which they live.

Distinguished professors mentor students in the fields of arts and music, humanities, social and natural sciences, engineering, international studies, education, business, and health professions.

Johns Hopkins became a founding member of the American Association of Universities.

The site:

The main campus is located in Baltimore. There are 4 other university branches, including:

 _ Homewood Campus: Located in North Baltimore, Charles Carroll’s 140-acre estate is considered

 the main campus for the Schools of Arts, Science, Engineering, and the College of Education.


 _ Medical Institutions Campus: It is located in East Baltimore. It is known as Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI), and it includes several                                                    colleges, including: the College of Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the College of Nursing.



_ Baltimore City Center Campus: includes the Peabody Institute, College of Business Administration.



_ Washington, D.C. Campus: The Washington, D.C., campus is located on Massachusetts Avenue, toward the southeastern end of Embassy Row.

It includes the School of Advanced International Studies and the Carey Business School.




- There is an Applied Physics Laboratory: located in Laurel, Maryland, which specializes
 for the US Department of Defense, NASA, and other governmental and civilian research agencies.


There are local universities:

_ Columbia, Maryland Center (branches of the Carey School of Business and the School of Education).

_ Montgomery County Maryland Campus (part-time programs in biological sciences, engineering, business, and education).


Some of the things that make Johns Hopkins University a great place to study:

_ Johns Hopkins University was ranked seventh among American national universities and ninth in the world by World Report & US News   for the year 2022-2023.

_ America's first research university, founded on the principle that by pursuing big ideas and sharing what we learn.

_ Types of discoveries at Johns Hopkins University: We made water purification possible, launched the field of genetic engineering, and authenticated the Dead Sea Scrolls. We invented saccharin, CPR, and the supersonic jet engine.

Her efforts resulted in child safety restriction laws; Developing a revolutionary surgical procedure to correct heart defects in infants.

Our Technology Enterprise Office helps Hopkins faculty and students turn their discoveries and inventions into successful enterprises, such as new cancer treatments, mobile health platforms, and a device to detect and prevent blindness caused by diabetes.

_In science, medicine or business and social enterprise, our students and faculty develop new technologies, new models, and new products – and work hard to bring them to market.



Admission and visits:

The undergraduate program is full-time and lasts four years.

The university's undergraduate programs are highly selective: in 2021, the admissions office accepted about 4.9% of 33,236 applicants under regular decision.

And about 6.4% of the total applicants of 38,725.

The acceptance rate for Hopkins students into medical school is 80% and law school is 97%, one of the highest rates in the United States.


It offers full-time and part-time programs leading to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science (MS) degrees.

(Paul H Nitze)

The center is home to several popular internships for high school and college students, including
the ASPIRE High School Intern program for high school students, as well as the College Summer Intern program, and the ATLAS Intern program.

It is the Graduate School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.
The school offers master's degrees, doctoral degrees, postdoctoral training, and residency programs in general preventive and occupational medicine.
Combined training and certification programs in various areas of public health. It consists of 10 academic departments:
_ Biochemistry and molecular biology
_ Biostatistics
_ Environmental health and engineering
_ Epidemics science
_ Health policy and management
_ International Health
_ Mental health
_ Molecular microbiology and immunology
_ Population, family and reproductive health

It contains nine sections:
_ Applied mathematics and statistics
_Biomedical engineering
_Chemical and biomolecular engineering
_ Computer science
_ Electrical and computer engineering
_Civil engineering and systems
_ Environmental health and engineering (formerly geography and environmental engineering)
_ Materials science and engineering
_Mechanical engineer
_ It also has engineering programs for professionals and academic and research centers and institutes.

  • Teacher preparation
  • Teacher and leadership development
  • Private education
  • Consulting and humanitarian services
  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (DISE)
  • Public Safety Leadership Department (PSL)

The School of Medicine shares a campus with Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Children's Center.

It is a private research university in Baltimore, Maryland. The school is located on the campus of Homewood University.

_ Its departments contain humanities:

Classics, art history, creative writing, comparative literature, Near Eastern studies, film and media studies, and the history of science and technology, as well as in the more popular fields of English and American literature.
History and modern foreign languages

_Natural sciences:

The departments of Biology, Biophysics, Chemistry, Cognitive Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy offer programs leading to the bachelor's degree.

_Social and behavioral sciences:

There are a variety of programs available in anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology.

The departments are research-oriented and the curricula are designed primarily to lead to graduate study.

The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University is a private conservatory.
It is the oldest music institute in the United States. Its association with Johns Hopkins University began in 1977.

The College of Nursing offers a variety of programs from pre-licensure programs to master's, DNP, and doctoral programs, online options, post-degree opportunities, and nursing requirements.